Sunday, May 15, 2011

Power Song

Today I was running wogging around the local park in hopes of getting in another 5k time to help prepare me for my race coming up. Just like I mentioned the other day, I struggle midway... I am sure everyone has a point where they are struggling. I was really rough this morning, while I had plenty of sleep I was NOT hydrated enough. At one point I wanted to stop and cry... So I walked, and walked, and continued to walk some more.  I wasn't letting myself quit. So I turned my Nike+ on to the 5k program and it was counting down for me. I got to where it was at the 400 meter mark, and I have no idea what I was thinking, but in my head I looked at what I had left on my path, and knew that was wayyyy too long and it was starting to rain heavier, so I cut across the park, only to find myself significantly shorter than intended. Go figure...

Either way - I got 2.96 miles done in 51 minutes.  I WILL finish this 5k, but it will not be as speedy as I hoped.  I'm trying not to talk myself down about it, because I'm going to do regardless, but I just feel silly knowing I can't jog the whole thing.  I feel like I don't belong on it.

Anyways - enough pity talk.  I was halfway through the wog today and a song came on, perfectly timed. It's an odd choice, I know - but Kristtinia Debarge has a song called "Sabotage".  And while it's not about working out (clearly) the lyrics were PERFECT timing. As I was convincing myself I couldn't do it and needed to quit, this song came on and I realized, that's exactly what I was doing.

So here's the lyrics, and again - I know this song isn't a typical power song and I normally wouldn't consider this as a motivational song on my playlist, but I found it ironic that it came on when I was ready to quit. I didn't even realize I put it in that playlist.

What is your power song to keep you going?

1 comment:

Amy said...

Paramore - Miracle! It pulled on a Genius playlist and it is conveniently right where I need it... after about 10 minutes, when I want to quit, it comes on.

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