Sunday, February 9, 2020

She knows the buttons to push...

Nearly everything she does, she pushes my buttons.  She looks at you with this squinty smirk and answers questions in the bitchiest way she can. She shrugs her shoulders when you're trying to talk about choices and how we ended up where we are, and she says "I don't know" knowing that it makes me want to jump out of my seat.

When she steals she has lo logic to it.  She steals expensive things, she steals things she already has, she steals just to steal. And then gets mad when she gets caught.  Her therapist said to start taking things of hers and use her excuse of "Because I wanted to" against her. Try and help her understand how the other person feels.  I haven't done it yet because I want to be around for the fall out.  But I'm traveling this week. It's not fair to leave my husband to deal. . .

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She knows the buttons to push...

Nearly everything she does, she pushes my buttons.  She looks at you with this squinty smirk and answers questions in the bitchiest way she ...