Thursday, December 30, 2010


There's the quote: Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits, and this year - that's not going to be me! Every year I make a list, like thousands of other people - but by the end of the year I usually don't have a clue what I wrote for the year ending. I know a lot of people refuse to make this list because they don't like the concept, blah blah - well good for you. However it's something I do every year and while I don't always remember it at the end of the year it is something I incorporate into my life at the beginning so it must stick somewhere. 

So... My list: 
  • My health.  Not just weight loss, I want to focus on getting back into overall shape.  I'm not going to stress over the numbers on the scale or my pant size, but I want to be able to get my cardio up to par with that of someone not as over weight as I am.  I am working towards it, and it's an on-going goal. I also need to suck it up and go to the doctor when something concerns me. I need to stop saying I don't have time, after the scare I had this year - I'll pay more attention to my body!
  • Patience.  I have zero.  I get anxious just trying to finish my blog sometimes.  I need to learn how to slow things down and accept the fact that I can't control everything. Sometimes it's out of my hands and things happen for a reason.  I'm not a mom right now for a reason - so I need to accept it and work towards the future knowing that I can't plan everything in life and expect it to go my way. 
  • Friends and Family. I need to constantly remind my friends and family how much I value them being in my life.  I'm not an overly open person, but I need to start realizing that people care about me and they deserve to be included in my little bubble i put up for myself. err, not sure that sentence sounds right to what I mean, but I'm trying to say I love them and they don't deserve to be closed out like I often do!

 I think those three are doable. Every year I do some sort of weight loss goal, but this year it's just about my health. There's so much more than just losing weight to focus on, so that's up there.  And then I need to work on patience. I really have none and it's sucky.  I end up getting angry over things I can't control and then making changes and decisions to compensate and fill that void that it's just not worth it. 

I hope everyone a wonderful new year and that it brings you everything you're looking for! 

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