Thursday, June 30, 2011

Learning never ends...

It's interesting how we never stop learning about ourselves.  I have been complaining talking about this summer camp that I'm participating in this year.  It's a technology camp... I had lots of fun activities planned.  A podcast interview, creating a website, programming in scratch, creating a magazine cover, etc etc.  These kids however - have other plans. 

I walked into school on Monday feeling good about my plans.  I had over planned for the day, so I knew I would have lots to do.  SO WRONG.  I am waiting with my attendance list and looking over it I realized one very awful thing.  It's all middle school boys. This problem is really a significant problem because I struggle as it is to relate to this age of student, even though my license does go down to 4th grade. I specifically didn't even look at middle school positions for this reason when I was looking for a job. Not to mention they are boys, I am not (I know, stating the obvious much?), I never had brothers or male cousins around or close enough in age that I would relate,so this is a struggle.

Here's what I've learned so far:
  • Boys don't care what something looks like, especially when it's not for a grade.  The magazine cover, girls would have spend much more time making it pretty - boys did the mechanics and learned the software methods. That's it.
  • Boys stink. While I've never been a fan of the overuse of body spray that girls use or the layer upon layer of lotion,  I miss the vanilla bean aroma that has been replaced with sweat and BO. And they are totally OK with it!
  • Middleschool-aged students don't clean up after themselves all that great (read: they are messy!!).  I had no idea how messy my classroom would be.  Sheesh! And Phew, allowing food into the lab, HUGE mistake.  HUGE.
  • Middleschool-aged students do not understand sarcasm. I realize that plenty of adults don't as well - but it just never dawned on me that they don't get it.
  • These kids have ENERGY.  I am exhausted after 3 hours with them.  And the talking, they just talk and talk and talk and talk.  I have no idea how anyone can talk so much.
  • Legos are cool.  I knew this (point for me!).  But I didn't know that Legos had web episodes, did you?  I've been completely informed on how to register for an account and set up my own Lego world. 
  • Baseball is the only sport that matters.  I'm a football fan personally, but not with this group. It's all baseball, all the time.  And frankly I know nothing about baseball.  It's offensive to them (previous point earned, now lost).
  • 'A Thousand Ways to Die' is hilarious.  I'm not sure that's ever the adjective I would use to describe that show. Ask my campers, it's the "funniest show EVER".
  • No topic I come up with is good enough. Even if it's sports and video game related.  So I won't waste time coming up with ideas and just let them pick next year from the start ;)

I have no desire to ever teach this general level of students on a full time basis, and before I proceed with holding camp again next year, I need to seriously do some learning how to work with this age better!

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