Tuesday, April 19, 2011

*insert witty title*

I had my appointment on Friday of last week, and am feeling a little less hopeful.  I was praying that I would go in, he'd quickly see an issue, and be like 'here's the plan of attack' and move on.  Not quite the case.  I'm not a patient person, and this is pushing me to the furthest I can possibly go. This is pretty much a summary of everything I haven't blogged about because I've been in the 'blah' mood that keeps me away.

Mr. Fertility Doctor Recap:
Office was running behind. I'm OK with this - they are specialists and frankly emergencies happen. But I expect the same attention when I need it, so I will remember that. Procedure was easy enough, nothing too dramatic, but (tmi warning) that saline does come out quickly! phew. He told me he was looking for abnormalities and then there were a few 'oh ok, this is what we're looking for', 'oh, interesting' comments.  Then he proceeded to explain he believes I have a polyp or two, so once he looks at the pictures further, I suppose those will be addressed as well. All in all - I know nothing other than he found a few abnormalities and polyps.  I have another appointment next Tuesday. Hopefully I'll at least learn something new.  I'm getting frustrated and just need to know what the deal is.  But I know everything takes time.

My legs ache.  I'm doing everything I can to stay on track with the weight watcher's walk it challenge, but it's not happening. I did successfully finish Week 2 though :)  I should be starting week three, and I'm not there.  My shin splints are awful.  I'm working on a goal to be active for 7 days straight.  That starts today. So we'll see when I get home what I do.  Yoga counts, doesn't it? :)

My last weigh in put me down about 1.5lbs. Which was OK because I had gained a little.  So hopefully this is on the positive track back down :)

My spring break starts Friday, and I couldn't possibly be more excited.  Really.  This is the highlight of my week ;)

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