Monday, March 14, 2011

Soda Cupcakes

I love when I read a good recipe from a twitter friend's blog and then have the time and energy to actually make it.

She has some delicious sounding recipes so I thought I'd check out two of them last night while I had a friend equally interested in experimenting around a bit.

We made the Diet Soda Cupcakes and while they were baking, the first recipe we tried was the Green Smoothie.

We just made one smoothie and split it among the four of us. I choose to use spinach with oranges (2) and it was super tasty.  We didn't use any sugar, which I'm sure had we - it would have been pretty good as well. My friend and her husband - well not sure they're complete fans but they drank it like champs!

As for the cupcakes, those were extra fun.  We ran to the store to pick up Betty Crocker French Vanilla cupcake mix, and I had Black Cherry Diet Rite already on hand.  So we mixed up those two (and the batter was, as expected, yummy!) and baked those.

They smelled delicious and tasted equally delicious. They were 4 WWPP based on the cake mix I choose for a large cupcake, and I was OK with that as a treat.

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1 comment:

Alissa said...

I'm suing you for not making me sign a photo release that my paws may end up on your website. :)

Those WERE delish and I think I might have to make them myself sometime. I want to experiment with different cake flavors and sodas. Of course, I'm sure using chocolate cake would make them more than 4 ww points.

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