Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ouch, Oh, Ouch - Help for the Hamstrings

I did a great workout on Sunday, but have been paying for it Monday and Tuesday.  I decided today I need to start doing a better job stretching my hamstrings. I can't be waddling up and down the steps during class change, I'll never get anywhere, not to mention I've been aiming for 10K + steps a day! It's getting tricky when it hurts to move.

So a few stretches I did this morning, and will do tonight after work in hopes of making it easier when I head to the gym or towpath tonight.

There are a lot of stretches to choose from - but my top three are ones I can easily do at home, and if I can get some alone time on my break at work - I can do in the afternoon.  The last one I can even do with students in my classroom as long as they're working on something and not staring at me.

1. Chair- Stretch

From Halhigdon

This has been the most helpful to me honestly.  I am not sure why, maybe because it's easier to do at my own pressure, but it's been what is helping me get through the day.  Now to figure out a way to do it and not look awkward with kids in my class...

2. Laying on back

From MayoClinic

Awkward.  I can do this in the morning and at night, but I can't do this mid-day while I'm at work, and that's when I really need a quick stretch to get through the afternoon.

3: Cross-Legged stretch

From exrx

This is a perfect stretch for throughout the day.  I can do this with kids in my room as long as they're working and I'm not lecturing. I can squeeze it in between class changes as well.  Wish I had thought of doing this yesterday...

Got a favorite hamstring stretch? Let me know! 
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