Friday, March 4, 2011

No self-control

I am completely unable to walk into a store and out of that store with just what I went for.  On Friday's I like to stop at my local Walgreens and pick up a Monster Java (the mean bean to be exact) and every time I walk into Walgreens it's like my mind goes into brain freeze and I suddenly need everything in sight.

Today for example:

I didn't need chapstick (though really, it's not a wasted purchase as I will use it), and the suckers (hello - it was a banana split sucker!) were BOGO so I will give the cherry to some great student today, and the chocolate, who needs it, right? Well I bought it convincing myself I'll share it with the kids in a review game (though that review game isn't until next week).  As I was leaving, the cashier said 'Honey, you didn't get your monster today'. Seriously?? I came in here, and was about to leave with the one thing I came for? I'm such a scatter brain :) 

Are there any stores you can't go into without buying things you had no intention of getting? 

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