Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hair Pretties Make Me Smile

My dear friend, Annelee, has started a business, The Ruffled Cupcake, and makes the most adorable hair clips.  I mean - she makes other things - but I can only brag about my adorable hair pretties.

Everything she makes is completely handmade and custom made.  She took my order and within 2 days had it out in the mail on it's way to me. How awesome is that?

So they arrived - and I almost didn't even want to open them up because they were so cute!

Here's how they came:

It's little things like the tissue paper that make me smile - she could have used something solid - but I know she spent time picking that out so that her customers would smile, just as I did.

And then these are my two clips I ordered:

I apologize for the dark picture - I used my cell phone because I couldn't find my camera.

And here is a picture of the one in (You can see the color much better!)

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