Monday, March 21, 2011

Best "Run" Yet

I like to use Sunday as a day to gauge my progress in my weight loss efforts. I usually weigh in on Sundays  and Thursdays, and I usually do a workout on Sunday that is either the longest, or fastest to see my progress.  Yesterday, I got on the treadmill, and figured I'd just jog it out and see how far I could go. I was encouraged after reading Cupcake Dream's experience.  She was talking about how she just went out and kept saying they were only at a mile, and kept pushing to do a little more, and by the time they finished - they had done like 4+ miles...

So that kind of stuck around in my head.  I hopped on the treadmill and figured I'd see how far I could go just jogging (4.0 mph).  The most I had previously done was 3 minutes, without feeling like I wanted to die.  So I was jogging along and actually hit my 3 minute mark OK.  Then a new song came on and I told myself I'd just do one more song on my iPod.  Then that ended, and I figured, I could do one more.  Towards the end of this song I started wondering how much further I could go. I peeked at the distance and saw that I was at around the .7 mile mark and I just wanted to make it to .75, then when I hit .77 I knew I could make it to .8 and I did.  .8 however though was where I had to crank it down and walk the rest of the .2.

So now, next week - the goal will be to jog the entire mile! 

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1 comment:

Amy said...

This is awesome! I find that I will also say "ok, one more song" and that works. Way to go!!!!

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