Monday, January 3, 2011

Libra January Horoscope

This horoscope is from Susan Miller, at Astrology Zone. 

You are entering a pivotal month, where decisions you mull over now will stay with you for a long time. Matters involving your home / property and family will top your list of actions to take, and your career will get a large share of your thinking, too. This month will be far more productive than December, and at times, emerging news and events will now move toward you very rapidly. You'll have to be very decisive, because it's an ideal month to make key decisions. You'll be so productive that you will be amazed. Mercury is no longer retrograde, a condition that can be blamed for making December such a mess, but we are in a brand New Year, and everything, it seems, looks shiny new, different, and infinitely better!

Planets will be friendly to one another, and that is a blessing, for their cheery attitude will make everything you do seem easier. While this is not likely to be exactly an effortless time for you due to the visit of taskmaster Saturn to your Sun, January will bring some dazzling bright spots that you won't expect and they will delight you.
The month starts off with a solar eclipse in Capricorn, lighting your house of home, on January 4. That eclipse will allow you to move ahead on all sorts of plans involving your residence and other property as well as plans you may have to make for your children or one of your parents or anyone who might inhabit your property, like a roommate or tenant. If your mother needs you to help her clean a closet or help her balance the household books, you will be the one recruited to help. With every planet moving under the horizon of your solar chart, it's clear that your private life and your family will get the lion's share of your attention, and that is how it should be.

There are many home and family questions that might come up. Do you need to sell a house, or buy one? Do you want to lease a new apartment or find a summer camp for your child? How about looking at a lease on a family vacation home for summer? Spend time now focusing on these goals and you will find success. You need not work on home or property matters on a grand scale - you can work small, too. If you would rather choose a color and paint a room or dig in and clean out your closets, you can, with the expectation that you can get it all done to perfection. No matter what your plans happen to be, you can now find the time, enthusiasm, and the options you need to choose from to move forward.

Eclipses are usually linked to one another in tone and spirit, so think back to discussions that happened on June 26, 2010, for whatever you discussed then may now be brought to a new level of advancement. Pluto has moved to the degree of that eclipse, so something appears to be in the process of being transformed, but it could be your whole life!

If you were born on October 6 or within five days of this date, you will feel a bit pressured to attend to many home and family-related matters, but afterward, you'll be so glad you got it all done.

No matter when your birthday happens to fall, you should make it a point to find ways to relax. All the energy in the chart will be at right angles to your Sun, considered a little stressful. This month taking a couple of hours to see a friend or to read the paper in peace will help you cope with all the decisions you'll have to make.

Eclipses bring enormously important life events, often ones we long remember, so whatever is coming up for discussion now seems important. A solar eclipse is always a new moon that involves the mighty Sun, and new moons open doors. Last month we had a total eclipse of the moon, December 21, which marked an ending of sorts. Lunar eclipses are always more emotional, so that one was, but this month's is much cheerier in tone. I love that this new moon eclipse January 4 will be conjunct Mars. This tells me that you will see things start to happen instantly, almost the minute that solar eclipse arrives. Mars went into your home sector on December 7, so you probably had home and family matters on your mind last month too, but the difference is, this month you'll be able to implement your plans, and last month you could not.

Venus will be in very good shape, as it will beam to both Jupiter (luck and happiness) and Uranus (surprises) at the time of the eclipse, indicating your spirits will be high. Venus is your ruling planet, so the fact that she's so congenial to those "big guy" planets in the first week of January is very important - Venus' attitude toward those planets is good for everyone, but holds extra weight for you. You may get a fabulous bargain in the first week, or you may even get a nice check to deposit. Venus usually comes bearing gifts or money when she is in a happy mood, as she will be in early January.

If you need to hire anyone for your household, say, a nanny or housekeeper, you will be able to do so, and the person you find should be a gem. If you have to buy, sell, or rent property, Venus' position in your house of personal resources suggests you will negotiate a fine deal. 
You will be very consumed with family and property, a repair or maintenance project, a renovation, home decoration project, or with helping a parent during the first half of the month.

Get all your home, property, and family-related plans done quickly, for Saturn will go retrograde on January 26, and Saturn is the natural ruler of your solar fourth house of home and family. After Saturn goes out of phase you won't see the kind of progress you would see earlier in the month, and if you sign when Saturn is retrograde, the deal won't sparkle as brightly. Saturn is one of the big outer planets that go retrograde for months. In the case of Saturn, he will not turn direct until June 12, 2011.

Here is more big news: Literally every planet of our solar system will be moving in direct motion from January 1 to 25. This is an almost impossible situation to find in any given year, as there are always one or two planets going out of phase. They have their own orbits, and as said, big outer planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto retrograde for more than four months at a time. Mercury retrogrades every 12 weeks for three-and-a-half weeks, as a few examples. This is why it is so hard to get all these little guys marching forward at any one time. We have that now in January!

Why is this important? When a planet is moving at direct speed it can support you fully. A retrograde planet is weak and it withholds its best powers, but when you initiate a new venture or relationship, you are giving "birth" to that endeavor, and you want each planet to pull its weight and be the best it can be! From January 1 to 25, you have all the little planets working hard for you, dear Libra, and giving you all that they have to give! Wow! 
Let's talk about your health now, which will also bring upbeat news. Something else is happening in the sky on January 4 and it will involve a very rare conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. Both will conjoin on this day in your house of preventative medicine - that is, the steps you take to be healthy - and will bring you a bouquet of happy news. If you have been troubled by a health concern, this conjunction of two powerhouse planets may bring you a specialist who truly understands your condition. You must make an effort to find this dignified doctor, but if you do, you will be pleased not only with his or her manner, but experience and background of expertise, too.

Jupiter is the planet that is known to bring healing and health, as well as even miracles when needed. Uranus is the planet of surprise, and he always brings what you least expect. Uranus' involvement may suggest that new research or a new technique may represent a scientific (traditional medicine) breakthrough that might help you, so you need to inquire about that. See what comes up near January 4 for news. Keep searching for a doctor that you feel is perfectly suited to you, and get references.

If you have already found the right doctor whom you believe in with all your heart, then listen closely to all his advice and move forward. The aspect that is happening now won't happen again in this house in your lifetime. The last time Jupiter and Uranus met in direct motion in Pisces was in 1334 in the 14th century!

The meeting of Jupiter and Uranus on January 4 will also be superb for starting a new exercise / fitness and nutritional program, or for learning a new sport. So many people have lofty New Year's resolutions, but few see results. If YOU get started on January 4, YOU will see results and everyone will envy you in time! In astrology, it matters when you begin. Start NOW!

I will also mention that the sixth house, which will shine so beautifully for you in the first week, also rules small domestic animals. Do you want to find the right little puppy or kitten for your household? The meeting of Jupiter and Uranus will help you on January 4. Take a trip to the animal shelter then, and you will be glad you did.
This same house, where Jupiter and Uranus will meet - your solar sixth house - has other gifts for you. This house also rules your work, but not your evolving professional status. In other words, if you are looking for a side job or a temporary assignment, this house can bring you lots of options when energized, and it will be now. It won't give you a new better position, but more likely one like you have now. If you are already employed, you may get to work overtime with pay, or if you are self-employed, you may get a lucrative assignment or piece of new business. If you need to hire an assistant or other worker to be part of your team, again, this eclipse will bring excellent candidates.

As said, the position of Venus in your solar second house of earned income during January 1-6 suggests that you will be paid well if you settle the price for your part-time job or assignment during January's first six days.
If you need a good day to either interview for a job or see a doctor, then do so on January 4, in the days that follow January 4, or on January 12, when Mars will contact Uranus, or January 13 (my favorite) when Mars will contact Jupiter, planet of luck and happiness.

Keep in mind that these dates are good for finding a side job or one similar to the one you had before, but not a position that would represent a step up. For that you would hear on January 19, the lovely full moon in your most prestigious career sector. 
So many good things will come out of the full moon January 19. If you recently lost your job at the December 21 eclipse, or if you are interviewing for a new position, things with your old employer or new one won't be fully finalized until the full moon, January 19. That full moon is a sweet one. 

If you are awaiting word on a new position, it looks as though you will hear good news within four days of January 19, and that the answer will be yes! To be clear, this point of the month will be the ONLY time you'd hear about a step up in your professional life.

This full moon of January 19 will occur at the highest place in your chart, ruling your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. You should be very pleased with the way talks go at this time! That full moon will send a perfect communication to Jupiter (good fortune) and Uranus (unexpected luck). You'll be as lucky as a Leprechaun when it comes to career, January 19, and felt within four days of this date. Something is finishing up, not only because this is a full moon in your house of career, but also b
ecause this full moon will fall at 29 degrees Cancer, the last degree of the sign, and the degree of completion.

Romantically, things will start to get lively in the second half of January. After January 15, Mars will move into your fifth house of true love, and you'll start to see the start of a lovely social and romantic trend start up.
Your love life should be very bright from January 15 to February 22, and lucky you, that period includes Valentine's Day in many countries including the US. Many couples look forward to a very romantic evening, but you'll have much more than that - weeks of fun! You deserve it! Stay tuned - I will have lots more to say about this in your February report. 
This month these will be your most romantic evenings, but the second half of January will be best, and next month, February, even better yet!

Most romantic evenings: January 1, 2, 10, 11, 15-16, 20, 23-24, and 28-29.

Libra Dates to Note:

  • A development at your home will take all your attention shortly after the new moon January 4. Be ready.
  • Your finances should be due for an up tick, thanks to Venus, your ruler, in perfect angle to Jupiter and Uranus on January 4. When it comes you will be surprised.
  • Talks you had on June 26 seem to factor into what happens January 4 and are home related.
  • You will have help solving this home / family matter, and it possibly could come from an underling or co-worker.
  • Saturn, the ruler of your house of home and family, will retrograde January 26 for four months, so get things done before that happens.
  • When it comes to domestic matters, watch January 4, 12, 13, and 17 for a good resolution - it will come out of the blue.
  • Work-related news will be good, especially on January 4, for another reason - Jupiter and Uranus will be working hard for you.
  • By the full moon, January 19, all you have done to build your reputation in your industry will come to fruition. You may be up for a promotion or new job.
  • When Mars enters Aquarius on January 15, your mood will lighten and you will move into a much more social time. The Sun's move into your true love sector a few days later, on January 20, will complete the picture - romance will be in the air.
  • Venus will move into fire sign Sagittarius on January 7 to February 4, and this placement of your ruling planet in the compatible elements to your Sun and Mars will be helpful to your love life, too.
  • Most romantic evenings: January 1, 2, 10, 11, 15-16, 20, 23-24, and 28-29.

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