Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Nice move Nike

I'm bouncing around twitter checking up on my daily news and seeing what's out there when I stumble across a link talking about Nike focusing on women with a new app.  Well two things jump out at me, app (because frankly I love apps) and the fact that it was geared towards women.

I must say, I'm intrigued.  I have downloaded it on my android (it's available in itunes market and android market)

Some of the features of the app include:
  • The ability to work out to music from your own library
  • 15-, 30- and 45-minute workouts in beginner, intermediate and advanced levels
  • Milestone rewards that can unlock different badges (a la Foursquare) and earn “inspiration” from Nike athletes and trainers
  • Detailed videos showing how to do certain drills
I'm very excited to try it out.  I will do this tonight, after my Power90 workout (MUST work out this week!!  My goal is every day!).  I will report back...

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