Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas secrets

Surprise, SurpriseEvery year I make a list for my family and my husband, and every year I usually get like 1 surprise. Everything comes right off of my list. . Well as you remember, I made a list earlier, and while I don't think I'd get it all, I'm praying for a surprise.  The suspense kills me, and every year I peak either at emails or credit card charges so I can guess what it is.... This year I am DETERMINED not to ruin the surprise!

I am always really good about being a secret santa at work. I've never given myself away too early.  I think people for the most part really like surprises. right?

So I asked the hubby to get me something that's a surprise, and not on my list.  He's not good with surprises, because he really likes to make sure I'm going to like my gifts, he usually doesn't branch out too much. . . We shall see :)

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