Friday, November 5, 2010

I Love Ebay

I really  love eBay.  When I was pregnant I was able to find a ton of super cheat maternity clothes so that I didn't have to stock up on a ton until I knew whether I was going to continue to need them or if I was going to miscarry again.... but that's a story for another day... and trust me. I will get there.

Anyways -  back to why I love eBay.  I got this snazzy little purse for a super awesome price. And since I can't seem to refrain from shopping, I have to make it work for me somehow! ;-)

 It's a Vera Bradley wristlet... The Barcelona print. I love it!!! I wish it'd get here faster (though really, I say that like I've been waiting forever... I just paid this morning lol)

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