Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hello Kindle... I love you (:

Amazon Kindle 2Image by goXunuReviews via FlickrSince the beginning of September I have been itching for a Kindle.  I don't want to lug books around and I've really enjoyed getting lost in a book.  I've been doing my research and I think I'm going to just ask for the $139 version because I can't imagine really needing the 3G option.

It's a hard decision because while I can appreciate the smell of a book and turning of the pages.  But I also can't stand having mounds of books (with no storage) and constantly having to shuffle around and remember which part of the book I was on. I'm not a person who likes to read multiple books.

So if, as I release this blog to my friends and family, you read this - Hello Christmas gift ;)

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