Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Screw you too, Universe.

Ever have the feeling the world is sided against you? I'm there.  These next two weeks of the school year are the most stressful two weeks I have all year because of events that happen right now.  It's just a rough time of year.

Rewinding, 9 months ago - I had zero anticipation of having to experience it this year.  May 7th was it.  My due date. But life happens.   So now we just have a huge awards ceremony, prom, finals, graduation, and somewhere in the middle, another surgery (as a follow up from my RE appointment), AND maybe, if I can manage, a 5k (even if it is at a turtle pace!) and all should be well?

I'll be here, there and everywhere, but my check-ins will be slightly scarce. At least for the next two weeks. I will be keeping up with my google reader though :-) I can always squeeze that in on lunch!


Unknown said...

Loving the banner! Hang in there - it'll be over before we know it! When's your last day?

Susan said...


Not until June 10th... And then 10 wonderful weeks off.I just hope I either find a PT job or someone to hang out with. I go stir crazy that long! Start talking to cats ;)

Diane Fit to the Finish said...

Sorry that you are going through a stressful time. Take care of yourself.

She knows the buttons to push...

Nearly everything she does, she pushes my buttons.  She looks at you with this squinty smirk and answers questions in the bitchiest way she ...