Saturday, November 20, 2010

Good Friends - and this is how I know ;)

I could write a long list about how you know someone is a good friend.  Like the fact that they're honest with you. The fact that they forgive you after a major blow up and drama occurs.  The fact that it's comfortable sitting there with them while you dose off watching a movie and you don't feel weird or uncomfortable.  Yes - we all know those are great qualities that a good friendship needs (and I'm fortunate enough to have all of them). 

But you want to know the other way you know someone is a good friend? It's the ultimate test... Are you ready for this?  They can come to your house when it's complete trashed, not say a word about the cat hair on the couch, the fact that there are shoes all over the place, the kitchen is a mess or the fact that the bathroom looks as though it hasn't been cleaned in two years (when in actuality its merely been a week). That's what a good friend is ;) Thanks A.

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