Sunday, November 21, 2010

Couch to 5K... Again

I'm back trying this whole couch to 5k ordeal.  I'd really like to follow through with it. And this time around I have two people who I know will push me and keep me on track. There's a ton of different resources out there for it.
So here I am.... Getting moving with this and I found an app for my Andriod to download.  It's ExerTime.  I usually don't listen to my phone while I workout. I use my shuffle. So this might be a little tricky. We'll see I guess.

So here I am:

Week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
1 5 min walk
2 min jog
5 min walk
Relax! 5 min walk
2 min jog
5 min walk
Relax! 5 min walk
3 min jog
5 min walk
Relax! Relax!

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