Friday, February 18, 2011

S = Stubborn?

I was challenged to describe myself in 7 words. Those 7 words all must start with  S in honor of my first name.

There was actually a lot of words that came to mind, but then I debated whether they really describe me, or whether I just wanted them to describe me. So here's my best shot.

Sensitive - I am incredibly sensitive towards things. I try not to be, but I take offense easy, get on the defensive easy, and I cry (or at least tear up) every time I see a dead animal on the side of the road, or a homeless begging for money.  I realize it's a character flaw to the extent it is, but I've learned to try and pull it in a bit, and it's become something I can really use to help relate to my kids. Although - when they hurt my feelings, there's no hiding it - which is something I need to work on.

Scale - This is something I thrive off of. And not just the scale in the bathroom (though I need to hop back on it after this last pregnancy and get my butt back on track) but the scale is my zodiac symbol, and I have one on my foot to remind me to help keep balance. I can't focus 100% on work, and I can't focus 100% of me, or my husband or my friends. I need to learn how to balance it so every gets a good share and so that I feel ...

Satisfied (snazzy lead in, eh? ;) ) - I am pretty satisfied in life right now. We all have things we want to change - I for one would like to lose 50lbs and be holding a baby in my arms, but I know both things will come in time, whenever they are meant to happen. So the best thing I can do for myself is be satisfied with where my life is right now - and work towards the goals to continue my satisfaction down the road.

Snarky and Sarcastic - These belong together.  They are certainly nothing to be proud of, but I can't help it. Well I mean I suppose I could help doing them so often, but it's something I've done as a defense mechanism for so long, that it will take forever to less my sarcasm level down a bit.  I do work really hard to keep it to a minimum with my students, because they don't all 'get it' and they don't all realize it's harmless.

Secretive - this has it's ups and downs.  Opening up to someone and making myself vulnerable to that judgement is something I avoid. So I do that to stay protected, and stay in my bubble, but in turn I find myself pushing people away because I never really let them in.  I was going to counseling for a while and working on it.  So baby steps.  Just remember folks - secretive /=/ shady.  It just means protected.

And finally, the one that I hold to myself very closely - strong. I work hard to stay strong. Strong in times of trouble for myself and for others.  The downside (because each characteristic has one) is that I don't always allow myself the proper healing time to deal with things. That's something I need to work on. If I don't take the time for me to deal with my issues, then I can't continue to be strong for future issues or other's needs.

Can you describe yourself in 7 words starting with your first initial? 
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1 comment:

Alissa said...

I'd say those words describe you fairly well. At least there are a lot of words that start with S.

I'd have "A", and about all I can think of right now is "asshole". Hahaha.

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