Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Failing miserably...

Isn't it weird when you want something so badly, you're constantly seeing it everywhere knowing you can't have it? Like a new car. When I wanted to get a new car I was suddenly seeing the car I wanted all over the place.  Everyone seemed to own one suddenly.  That's kind of how I feel right now, with a significant amount of friends being pregnant.

I want to be happy for them, I genuinely do.  And yet I look at their pictures or see their posts online and I find myself resentful to them because they've lucked out and are having successful pregnancies. 

I have three girls at work who are all pregnant. Two about a month ahead of where I was, and one about a month behind.  When I was pregnant we'd talk all the time about things and what they're experiencing, and now - nothing.  I know they're probably doing it to be considerate and not rub it in my face but it's just one more reminder.

I just sit here and wonder when I'll get over it.  When I'll stop wanting to run the other way every time I see someone pregnant or with a newborn.... I want to be supportive, I just don't know how to get there...

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