Sunday, September 26, 2010

Anything going on down there?

Human embryo at six weeks gestational ageImage via WikipediaTo be honest, if B and I hadn't been trying to get pregnant since my m/c last fall - I probably wouldn't have a clue what I was pregnant... That's right - I could totally fall into that TV show that I always made fun of (I didn't know I was Pregnant), insisting "How could you NOT know you were pregnant.." Well, that's pretty easy when you have no symptoms that can't be explained by other means.  My short list of symptoms:

  • Exhausted.  Well sure, I found out I was pregnant right before I went back to work after having nearly 3 months off for summer. Of course I'm exhausted, I'm actually doing something now.
  • Hungry.  I've been doing a strict boot camp since April, so I ate regularly as the boot camp guidelines required.  After finding out I was pregnant I stopped going, so stopping such a strict regime that I had will certainly throw me off.
  • Emotional.  I'm an emotional wreck with or without extra hormones so that's nothing new.
That's it.  Seriously. Now how you'd make it 9-10 months not knowing, well if I can manage to be entirely symptom-free until delivery, I'll let you know ;-)

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