Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sometimes you just need to breath...

a hospital room (Denmark, 2005)Image via WikipediaI woke up Saturday assuming things would be just like any other day.. I was so wrong.

My husband has been a diabetic for close to 15 years now.  He has moments where he goes low, and it's something he didn't give enough attention to, until now.

I was trying to get his attention while he was working from home in the morning, and when he was unresponsive I got worried.  Went upstairs and he was completely passed out.  I called 911 because I couldn't get him to swallow liquid glucose I had, and so I didn't know what else to do. I'm really glad I did because at this point - they're thinking while he was unconscious he had a mini-stroke.

While we were at the hospital the first two-three hours were horrible. He couldnt speak full sentences, no one knew what he was saying, he was all jumbled.  But about 10-12 hours later, he made significant progress. He can speak and tell full, coherent stories.  He knows shapes and pictures we show him, he can recall names of people he works with, our wedding date, the hospital he's at, etc.  So it's a big improvement from the hours before when he was first admitted.

Something like this has really made me realize how dangerous not taking total control of diabetes is.  I had no idea it could go this far, and while I'm not glad it happened - I'm so glad that we have the opportunity to make the changes in the future, because he's going to recover from this. It might be slower than he'd like, but he's going to recover and he's going to get things back in gear.  I've spent all this time focusing on having a baby and while that's still important to me (us) - getting him back on track and making sure he's there, alive and healthy when our baby boy or girl is there to grow up is the most important thing.  I never realized how much I take daily life and activity for granted until something swoops in and shakes everything up. Scary scary.... More tests to be run sometime later today... Depending on the power of prayer and love right now...
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