Thursday, January 6, 2011

But I want it now!!!

So I often slip into 'must have, right now' mode... I'm very much an instant gratification type of person. But about 5 (ok, maybe 6 or 7) years ago - Merrell made this awesome pair of tennis shoes that shortly after I bought, they completely discontinued.  I forked over $90 for them (and back then, I thought that was a lot) and got them in yellow. Then a few months later they were on clearance (should have been my first sign) in a blue.  Not one single pair since those shoes has ever, ever compared, and I have been so sad.  I've bought Merrell work shoes, but not tennis shoes, and now that I'm working out again  - I miss them.  I wish I knew the name to see if someone on ebay has them... They were just perfect.  Thin soles, not to chunky and bulky like a lot of their tennis shoes now, and a lightweight shoe... and pretty, the shoes now have taken such a rugged look. Oh how I miss them.

I know it seems silly to be that attached to a pair of shoes, but if you know me - you know once I've made up my mind - that's kind of the end of it.  Like the black Sugar shoes I HAD TO HAVE, that I saw for 2 minutes briefly in Canada, and spent a fortune to buy a similar pair on ebay only to have them not fit at all. So sad.
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